The synchronicity of events and the way we weave stories makes me reflect on the invisible threads that accompany us on life's journey.
This week, Gerry Garbulsky proposed, as part of his ideas to start the week, writing a brief text based on the prompt: "The memory of my grandparents." This triggered countless connections, feelings, stories, and memories from all those who dared to participate, pouring out the tip of the iceberg of our inner world.
For me, the memory of my grandparents connects me to the chain of life, the lineage of generations that have succeeded each other over time, with a family memory that intertwines the collective unconscious and transcends the senses. Stories of love, pain, persecution, and survival. Ancestors who speak of the strength of wanting and the value of life.
What I hadn't realized is that this same week I had agreed to accompany my cousin to visit his mother, Frusa, who lives at the Uruguayan Israelite Nursing Home. This space is a true home, built with effort and love, where the care and respect for each person dignifies life, encouraging them to live with joy through recreational and social activities.

Frusa brings to mind the image of my grandfather Jacobo, his memory, and a part of our family history that stretches back to 19th-century Poland. Generations that remain within me like clouds that accompany me and challenge me to remember where I come from.
And it is here that I pause to consider the importance of life stories as unique, personal, and valuable experiences. This is something that makes sense to me again and again. There is a collective element that gives us an identity, but within it, each human being has a way of expressing what they inherit in this generational becoming.
The visibility of stories makes it possible for us to awaken to an interconnected world, where what matters is not what is seen but what is felt and can be left in others. That's why I work with passion, encouraging others to tell their stories with authenticity and compassion for their own experiences.

I don't know the stories of everyone living in the home, nor do I know if they were all grandparents. However, they were all children and had grandparents whose stories wove part of the emotional fabric of experiences and memories that shaped them as adults, and which they were somehow able to transmit.
The truth is that nothing is lost because the chains of life are so strong that the links always find a place to anchor and leave their marks. I search for those links to remember and remind myself that we all have something to tell, helping others to consider their own mark on this life.